On November 24 2012, the 14th  Mangetsu Matsuri (Full Moon Festival) was celebrated at Oura Bay Wansaka Park in Nago, Okinawa.

The moon was not full yet.  But, the 11th waxing moon surely revealed its beauty as it brightened the Okinawan sky and sea. 

Many people from various parts of Okinawa and even mainland Japan and foreign countries made it to the festival.  Twelve performers, including one from Hokkaido, the northernmost prefecture of Japan,  took the stage.  We enjoyed good music, dance, food and drink, and company.

Given the difficult situations we face here in Okinawa, the festival provided us with a way to come together, reflect, heal, thank and support each other, and sustain and renew ourselves, all for our common purpose of creating a peaceful world.     

People around the world also sent messages of support and solidarity for the festival. The messages were posted at the festival and they were welcomed by festival participants with great appreciation.  (I also had the honor of reading some of your messages on the stage.)

We thank those of you who took the time to write and send such wonderful and thoughtful messages for the festival.

We also thank our friends in Jeju Island for creating a special "solidarity" webpage on the occasion of this year's Mangetsu matsuri. Solidarity from Jeju to Okinawa

Your messages and support mean a lot to us in Okinawa.

Let the full moon guide us to peace!


About the Mangetsu Matsuri:
The Mangetsu Matsuri was started 14 years ago by Okinawan musicians and peace and environmental activists to voice their objection to the construction plan of a US military base in Henoko/Oura Bay. The area of Henoko/Oura Bay is one of the most biodiversity rich areas in Japan and it is also a critical habitat of the Okinawa dugong, an endangered marine mammal and a local symbol for abundance and Sea-God.
Over the years, the Mangetsu Matsuri has grown into one of the most exciting, heartwarming and thought-provoking local events in Okinawa, attracting musicians, performers, peace activists, environmentalists and citizens from all over Okinawa, mainland Japan and even from overseas.
Through performing, listening and dancing to music, under the moon, with the waves and the wind of Henoko/Oura Bay, the participants envision to create a peaceful world.

Messages from the world /世界からのメッセージ

People in Gangjeong including Gangjeong village international team
韓国 済州島 ガンジョン村とインターナショナルチーム

Dear friends in Okinawa,
Let’s stop together militarization of Asia pacific. We are hearing dangerous MV-22 Ospreys fly all over Okinawa despite strong opposition by majority of you. In Jeju, despite the majority Islander’s hope for peace, destruction for building a naval base is being done in the most pristine absolute preservation areas of the Gangjeong village. But let’s not give up. With our persistence efforts together, we can make the world different. You will have a full moon festival (Mangetsu Matsuri) with no war base some day. Let’s dream for a peaceful world together. Thanks for solidarity, forever.
 People in Gangjeong including Gangjeong village international team

Gangeon people's article for Full Moon Festival→ Solidarity from Jeju to Okinawa




韓国 済州島 ガンジョン村とインターナショナルチーム一同

Kyle Kajihiro (Director of DMZ Hawaii and Program Director for AFSC in Hawaii)
カイル・カジヒロ (米国 ハワイ州  非武装地帯ハワイとAFSCハワイ    

Dear People of Okinawa,
The U.S. wants to use our islands as fulcrums for its so-called Pacific pivot.  But the peoples of Hawaiʻi, Okinawa, Guam, Jeju, the Marshall Islands, and the Philippines, through our solidarity are striving to make our islands into kīpuka (oases) of peace, justice and environmental sustainability.  Thank you to the people of Okinawa for leading and inspiring us. Chibariyoo!



Antonio M. Claparols

President, Ecological Society of the Philippines



フィリピン エコロジカル・ソサイティー 、世界自然保護連合(IUCN)

To all my Friends from Okinawa,

A blessed and peaceful celebration on your full moon festival this Saturday

We are very supportive of all your efforts for Peace and Like without war and in harmony with Nature.

Wishing you all the success and good fortunes on this years festival.

The full moon ushers a new and hopeful era that there will be worldwide peace
In Okinawa and all over the world.

Let the power of the people and the Almighty empower our hearts and minds so that they may influence the world leaders to strive for peace and harmony with Nature and people.

Let militarization stop and let bases all over the world cease to be hazards against peace but guardians of the people and nature.

Let the bases in Jeju Stop and the age of disarmament begin.
Let the festival signal the beginning of a new era.

Congratulations to you all and Peace.

God bless.





導きますように、 沖縄で、そして世界中で







Justine T
Darwin, Australia
ジャスティン T (オーストラリア ダーウィン BaseWatch)

Greetings from BaseWatch in Darwin, Australia:

We share a lot, from our sub-tropical climate and love of dugong; a vibrant and proud distinct local culture; and the burden of a foreign military presence. The US base in Darwin is still just a new development, and we know we can learn a lot from our colleagues in Okinawa. As the scale of militarization of our town is revealed (including nuclear submarines, Ospreys, a US airforce base and more Marines) we take strength and inspiration from the Okinawan struggle in defense of local identity, culture and environments - and our shared vision of a peaceful future.


私たちと沖縄は多くのことを共有しています。亜熱帯の気候やジュゴンへの愛、生き生きとした誇るべき固有の地域の文化、 そして外国軍隊の存在です。


Environmentalist, India
エス・ファイジ (インド 環境活動家)

Unlike the western imperialists Japan has acknowledged and regretted its acts of wars and occupation. And Japan has pursued a post-war development path where war had no role, quite unlike the western powers. Japan will be squarely respected by the global community if it gets rid of the burden of the American military bases and pursues an independent foreign policy.
It is unfortunate that almost the entire burden of American bases is yoked on the people of Okinawa. I salute the brave Okinawans for their steadfast opposition to the bases and in particular their unwavering efforts to protect the Okinawa dugongs against the American military. May the sea, the biodiversity and the wonderful people of Okinawa be free from the threat of US military. May Japan flourish as a sovereign, truly independent country. I greet all those who assemble there for the Full Moon Festival.
In solidarity,

Jean Downey
Network for Okinawa
ジーン・ダウニー (米国 フロリダ州 Network for Okinawa
We, the members of the Network for Okinawa, represent many hundreds of thousands of Americans and people around the world who support democracy and environmental protection in Okinawa. Our grassroots network draws together representatives from U.S. and international peace groups, environmental organizations, faith-based organizations, academia, and think tanks.  

Since 2010, we have been supporting the Okinawan people's demand for the closure of the Futenma U.S. Marine Base and opposition to any new military base construction in Takae and Henoko.  We now also support the Okinawan demand for the halt of unapproved US military V-22 Osprey aircraft deployment to Okinawa for hazardous low-level testing and flight training.

Today our world stands at a crossroads between survival and self-destruction. We must transform from a world dominated by a culture of war into a sustainable world led by cooperation that protects our natural environment.  The Okinawan principle of Nuchi du Takara is a way for the entire world to develop sustainable, rather than violent, growth-centered lifestyles.  With appreciation, we thank Okinawans for standing firm to and sharing their life-affirming wisdom with the world.  Australian scholar Gavan McCormack's words speak for our own belief: "In the early 21st century, humanity’s best hope is for a recovery of Okinawa’s Nuchi du takara values. Okinawa’s anti-base and anti environmental destruction struggles are central to the global struggle for peace and sustainability."

We wish you a wonderful Mangetsu Festival.

私たちthe network for Okinawa(沖縄のためのネットワーク)のメンバーは、沖縄の民主主義と環境保護を支援する多くのアメリカ人や世界の人々を代表しています。







Jamie Ufugusiku
Hawaii, USA
ジェーミィー・ウフグシク (大城) (米国 ハワイ州)    

Aloha from Hawai'i!  Haitati chuu uganabira...My name is Jamie Ufugushiku, my Grandparents are both fromOzato, now they call it Nanjo City.  The government still trying to confuse us by changing our names, and place names...I am using my original name not the Japanized version... Oshiro for today.  It is time to reclaim my original name.  My DNA, my blood is Okinawan I am proud of my heritage.

The political situation of Okinawa and the US military's desire to claim more of Okinawa and the entire Pacific region including Hawaii with more environmental, cultural, health devastation to our islands has brought great concern to all of us. We stand in complete solidarity with Okinawa, Jeju, and Guam to continue to protect our environment, safety, to see justice so that we may all live in peace.  We send our prayers of hope and aloha your way and throughout the pacific to strengthen our hearts and spirits to be able to move forward for positive change and actions. We will persevere and never give up together we stand alongside all of you. Much love to all of you who have a dream for change and PEACE!  

ハワイからアロハ! はいたい、ちゅううがなびら。




Rose Welsch, US for Okinawa
ローズ・ウェルスチ (米国  US for Okinawa

Gazing up at the full moon anywhere we are in the world gives us the chance to imagine an Okinawa full of biodiversity instead of riddled with destructive military bases. Whether in Tokyo, the U.S. or the UK, members of US for OKINAWA will be celebrating this special day with you on November 24, 2012.

世界のどこにいても、満月を眺めると、破壊をもたらす米軍基地に蝕まれた沖縄ではなく、命の多様性に満ちた沖縄の姿を想像をします。東京で、米国で、英国で、US for OKINAWAのメンバーは、20121124日のこの特別な日を、みなさんと一緒に祝います。

Eri Oura
エリー・オオウラ (米国 ハワイ州)

I am grateful for the actions taken on behalf of the Okinawan people and allies to end the American military 

occupation of their lands. I stand in solidarity with all of you and support your campaigns to live peacefully. 

Aloha from Hawaii


Ryan Ciszkowski
Conneticut, USA
ライアン・シスズコスキー(米国  コネチカット州)
Stay strong always Japan and Okinawa, no matter how tough things may get!


Kanjana Adulyanukosol,
Department and Marine and Coastal Resources, Thailand
カンジャナ・アドルヤヌコソン (タイ国政府 海洋・沿岸資源部)

Mankind never stop thinking and doing out of their territories and minds.  It is tragedy that we always disregard the right of wildlife and environment. All people in the global are relatives, share lives, share resources, share love and care.  How the young generation can survive?  Please carefully think, carefully do and respect the Nature!


Larry Van Dyke California, US
ラリー・ヴァン・ダイク (米国 カリフォルニア州)
Calming light of peace
will shine upon the islands.
Most glorious moon!

Happy Mangetsu Matsuri!


Liza Gobrin
Kaisa Ka (Unity of Women for Freedom)  The Philippines
リザ・ゴブリン (フィリピン 北ルソン島  カイサ・カ 自由のための女性同盟

Warmest greetings from the Philippines (Stop the War Coalition).

I would like to let you know on behalf of my organization Kaisa Ka (Unity of Women for Freedom), that we are so much inspired of what you have done to stop the military construction in particular places in Japan.  Your struggle against militarism is not an easy task. This would have put more efforts to chase the enemy.  Invasion of a particular country is not allowed according to the international Law.  What America is doing is not acceptable.   Its war of aggression is killing and dislocating people in their numbers.  They are invading the whole Asia through their military powers for their economic interest.  Millions of people have died since Imperialism started. We don’t want this to happen.  We don’t want our children and women to suffer again because of its wars of aggression.  We don’t want another Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

The ecological destruction in Henoko/Oura Bay in Okinawa is very much alarming.  After I read the history and information about it, I was so sad and mad.  We have only one planet that the human beings can live.  We should take care and respect it, because this does not belong to us.  This is for our children and for the next generations. 

Again, let us close ranks to fight the enemy, to fight US imperialism.  Let us assert our rights.  Let me congratulate you on behalf of the progressive movements here in the Philippines that have been opposing the US military constructions and exercises all over the world.  I hope I would also be with you  next year to celebrate the very beautiful event - Mangetsu Matsuri- Fullmoon Festival. 

Thank you very much for inviting me to send a solidarity message for this festival. 
Onward with the struggle!

フィリピンのStop the War Coalition (戦争阻止同盟)から挨拶をします。

私は Kaisa Ka Unity of Women for Freedom「自由の為の女性同盟」)を代表として、軍事建設を阻止するために皆さんの取組みに私たちが心を動かされていることを、伝えたいと思います。軍事主義に抵抗する皆さんの取組みは決して簡単なことではありません。対峙する相手を追い払うには、多くの努力が必要です。他国を侵略することは、国際法で許されていません。米国が行っていることは許せるものではありません。





満月祭りへの連帯のメッセージを送るように、招待いただき有り難うございました。 共に前に進みましょう!

Jon Letman, Journalist
Kauai, Hawaii
ジョン・レットマン (米国 ハワイ州 ジャーナリスト)

Okinawans - the struggle is long, the road is hard, but your cause is just and you WILL prevail. Don't give up to stand up against immoral and unjust policies that hurt your land and your people. You are not alone and we here in Hawaii and America support your completely. - Jon Letman, Kauai, Hawaii


Arnie Saiki, Moana Nui, Hawaii
アーニー・サイキ (米国、ハワイ州 Moana Nui )

The global context seen from the perspective of Pacific Islands, reminds me of how difficult our Pacific predicament is. Despite attempts of integrating the cultural and ecological richness and vastness of our Pacific territory, we are still disregarded as being disparate and small.
I met an investment banker who, in response to Obama’s “Pacific Pivot", vigorously exclaimed, “the Pacific is fucked!”
In response, our challenge should be to un-fuck the Pacific.




